Una nueva farsa: el CNE multa, CNE and a new farse

El CNE quiere multar ahora al ministro de energía, Ramírez, por su acto proselitista
del año pasado (es decir, por amenazar a quienes no estuvieran con el proceso
de sacarlos de PDVSA "a carajazos" y que PDVSA es roja-rojita.
Me pregunto qué va a hacer con Hugo Chávez, quien declaró que apoyaba a Ramírez
y que le diría que repitiese ese mensaje cien veces cada día. ¿No deberían multarlo
con una multa cien veces mayor?

Quienes quieran ir de Caracas a Morrocoy, pueden "disfrutar" de la vista
que les ofrecen las instalaciones de PDVSA-PEQUIVEN.

The National Electoral Council wants to fine now the minister of energy, Ramírez, for his act of proselitism of last year (i.e. for threatening that they would kick the ass of those who were not for "the process" and that the state oil company PDVSA was red-red).
I wonder what they are going to do with Hugo Chávez, who declared then that he supported Ramírez and that he would tell him to repeat the same message one hundred times a day.
Shouldn't they fine him with an amount a hundred times that of his minister?

Those of you who might want to go from Caracas to Morrocoy can "enjoy" along the road the view of the state oil company PDVSA-PEQUIVEN.

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